High Adventure
News News News!
What is
happening around
the district?
Now is the time to plan on joining the 2011 LFC Philmont Contingent leaving June 08, 2011. If you are interested, contact Earl Bottom at 580-821-0633. There is still time to expierance the Ultimate Scouting Challange.
Help CV fill their own crew. There are still openings.
Call Michael Stearman at 405-275-5977
Click on the M&M Graphic above to get Registration Form
You can still sign up for '11, by contacting Michael Stearman. Deposit is $75.00
Members of Crew 608-P-1, at the Beggining of the Trail Before the 80+ miles of challenges at Philmont.
Back: Josh Phillips CV, Bobby Hardisty SO, Paula Stearman CV, Bob Albauer WR, Aaron Patterson CV, Michele Stearman CV, Shauna Snyder WR
Front: Russell Wiseman SO, Micheal Barnes BB, Mitchell Wiseman SO, Philmont Ranger Cory, Alexis Albauer WR
Send your pictures to Michael Stearman so we see what you did this sumer
We teach our Scouts to tie knots, pitch tents, build fires and cook on them. We teach Youth to lead and be lead. We teach youth to stand up for what they believe in, but to join the group and make the best of it. To go along when the have been out voted. We do all these things that this movement is all about. But do we sell the basic principles to our Youth on a regular basis? Do we sell the Scout Oath and Law? I see more and more boys that can't even repeat it, even at Board of Reviews for the higher ranks.
How can you live it when you can't even say it? We as leaders need to work it into our everyday lives. We need to talk about it at our meetings and outings. Have the boys talk about what it really means at scoutmaster conferences and boards of review. Perhaps use it in skits at campfires. It is more than just a bunch of words. The Oath and Law are words to live by.
Would not this world be a better place if we all lived by these principals? Honor! Duty to God! Dut
The Tooth of Time

Philmont is the Ultimate Scouting experience. 10 Members of Canadian Valley made a 70 mile trek with a total of 95 Scouts and Scouters from Last Frontier Council in 2006.
The 2010 Contingent is signing up now, there are open slots. A second sign up date will come up in Oct. The first sign up was April at the Scout office. You can Contact Michael 405-275-5977 for details on the 2010 LFC Contingent. There are still open slots. Sign up today for a chance of a Life time adventure.
Want to go to Colorado?
Troop and Crew 461 of Shawnee went back to Colorado in 2005 to Packard High Adventure Camp. Now called Rocky Mt. Adventure Base .
We went White Water Rafting, we Backpacked to a Mountain Lake for Trout Fishing.
The Rocky Mountain Council is now accepting reservations for the summer of 2008. To make a reservation or request information, contact:
Rocky Mountain Council BSA
411 South Pueblo Boulevard
Pueblo, Colorado 81005
Phone (O): (719) 561-1220 / Fax: (719) 561-3891
Email: rmcbsa@comcast.com
Snail Mail For an Application Form | Base Director |
Telephone | (719) 561-1220 |
Download a Staff Application! |
if you are interested in getting information about Packard.