From Tiger to Eagle

"The Scoutleader must be alert
to check badge hunting
as compared to badge earning"

All Eagle Candidates MUST Contact Gary Way
At 279-2769 or 275-3478
before Starting work on your Eagle project
and before turning in your paperwork
into to the scout office

Attention all Life Scouts,
Parents, Scout Leaders!

A large part of the Eagle Scout leadership
project is communication between the scout and
three key people involved in the Eagle
Process. The three key people are:
(1) Scoutmaster/Coach/Advisor;
(2) Religious Institution/School/Community Representative;
(3) District Advancement Committee.

The District Advancement Committee expects
the LIFE SCOUT to make ALL calls and contacts,
which involve setting up meetings for project approvals
and pre-eagle sessions and Eagle Boards of review.
Parents and Scout Leaders
are invited to attend project approval
and pre-eagle sessions
in order to listen and ask any
questions they may have. It is important to
keep in mind that the Eagle project is a Scout project.
The Scout will be expected to answer all questions
about his project, including
questions about how the project will be done,
what is needed to carry out the project,
the length of time involved in doing the project.

It is also very important for
the Scout to practice his
communication skills through
the Merit Badge program
by making contact
with MANY DIFFERENT counselors for the 21
required badges. Scout leaders should
encourage the Scout
to work with a large variety of counselors.
The District provides a list of current registered counselors.
BSA policies strongly advise that parents
DO NOT teach merit badges to their own children.

The District Advancement committee welcomes
Phillip and Jane Howard as assistants to Gary Way.
They will be able to help with pre-eagles in the eastern
portion of the Canadian Valley District.

Canadian Valley District Welcomes New Eagles !




Dalton Smith                       S0411   01/24/09

Justus Davenport                 S0461   02/07/09

Colt Stastny                        S0408   04/04/09

Jared Choate                       S0414   05/01/09

Lane Todd                           S0477 05/08/09

Micha Dame                        S0424 07/18/09

Stephen Timperley               S0424 10/12/09

James Vaughn                     S0413 11/07/09