Adult Training

-- 100% Trained Leadership -- Our youth deserve no less, so let's make this a reality here in Canadian Valley District!


Training Schedules will be announced at Roundtable -- 2nd Thursday of the month @ Sharon Baptist Church - 1/2 mile south of Hardesty Rd on Gordon Cooper Drive - between Shawnee & Tecumseh.

Please email Joe Gilmore with any questions at:


If you are in need of any training contact your Unit Commissioner


come to Roundtable and make a request! 


For More Information Contact

Joe Gilmore

Training will keep you on the right course!

SCOUTMASTERS are you fully trained? If you are a new Scoutmaster (within the last 2 years) you need to have New Leader Essentials, SM/ASM Fast-Start training, Scoutmaster/ASM Specific and Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS). You can take these 3 classes in any order.  But you need to take them!  Are you fully trained?

Click on this link to go the Council Training page.

Make the committment to take your Adult Training to it's peak with Woodbadge!

Upcoming Council-Wide Training Opportunities


"Every boy deserves a trained leader."

The leadership training philosophy of the Boy Scouts of America is to provide adult leaders with fundamental information about the aims and purposes of the movement, as well as specifics about their particular roles in Scouting.

A trained leader is knowledgeable and confident in the role being performed. The knowledge and confidence of a trained leader are quickly sensed by Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, or Venturers and are a positive influence on their lives.

The training program in the Last Frontier Council meets the needs of leaders by providing learning opportunities related to each of the adult unit positions. The plan allows for both individual and group training experiences. It also incorporates a recognition program that motivates and rewards those who progress in the leadership training programs of the Boy Scouts of America.

 Leadership Training
"Every boy deserves a trained leader."

The leadership training philosophy of the Boy Scouts of America is to provide adult leaders with fundamental information about the aims and purposes of the movement, as well as specifics about their particular roles in Scouting.

A trained leader is knowledgeable and confident in the role being performed. The knowledge and confidence of a trained leader are quickly sensed by Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, or Venturers and are a positive influence on their lives.

The training program in the Last Frontier Council meets the needs of leaders by providing learning opportunities related to each of the adult unit positions. The plan allows for both individual and group training experiences. It also incorporates a recognition program that motivates and rewards those who progress in the leadership training programs of the Boy Scouts of America.

Upcoming Events

Friday, February 19, 2010
IOLS (Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters)

Friday, February 19, 2010
WELOT (Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelos leaders)

Saturday, March 06, 2010
Big Tepee Training Day

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Kickingbird - Cub Leader Specific Session 3

Training On line!

Woodbadge for the 21st Century

Find an Opportunity that fits your schedule